  • Pro Smile
  • Free Scan Days
May 22 - 2023

Free Scan Days

Free Scan Days
Together with Pro Smile, we invite you to our Clinic in Luboń, where a free 3D scan and individual treatment plan evaluation awaits you.

Additionally, anyone who decides to undergo Pro Smile overlay treatment will receive a complimentary whitening kit at the end of the treatment!


Remember: at our clinic, the patient is always informed about all stages of the treatment decision-making process – there are no ambiguities or important information hidden in small print.

The doctor accompanies you throughout the entire treatment process and you always have the opportunity to talk to them


And for the uninitiated:

Orthodontic overlays are transparent corrective devices that move your teeth in the desired direction. You can remove them at any time without the need for a dental visit.

Invisible overlays will straighten your teeth without causing inconvenience or discomfort associated with wearing traditional braces.

Treatment time ranges from 3 to 12 months.


Open up to innovation that guarantees stunning results and save 990 Polish zlotys on whitening. What’s more – during the free consultation, scan, and treatment plan, you save 600 Polish zlotys!

Come and see how easy it is!

Please register due to the limited number of places: ️ 61 600 65 30
The days on which the scans will take place are:
3.06 – Luboń, Dr Lorych

Don’t delay your visit, sign up now and make sure that dental care is all about enjoying a healthy and beautiful smile.

Registration to a visit: